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Application to Bank Manager Request for Closing of Bank Account

Application to Bank Manager Request for Closing of Bank Account
Application format for Closing of Bank Account

Sample of Cover Letter: -  Request to Bank Manager for closing of personal BANK ACCOUNT. If any bank customer who want to close his/ her bank account he/she needs to write an application. Easy and different samples of application for closing bank account is provided as under.


Request Application to Close Bank Account

The Bank Manager,
HBL, Lahore
Subject: Request for Closing of Saving Bank Account

Dear Sir,

Respectfully, I want to say that I am operating above mentioned saving bank account no 123456789 with your branch. I would request you to kindly close the said bank account. I am not going to use this bank account now. My pass book, Cheque book containing unused cheques, ATM Debit Card and Credit Card are returned herewith.

I have started a new job and being a new government employee I have been provided new bank account so due to this reason I would not be requiring this account so, close it and return my balance amount through draft or cash. Thanking You.

Signature ______________
Contact: 123456789


Application to Close Bank Account

The Branch Manager,
National Bank.
Subject: Closure of Current Bank Account

Dear Sir,

With due respect, it is stated that I need to close my current savings bank account having number 123456789, Titled as Zaheer Khan. I have opened this account on 25th of April 2019. My Government ID Card No is 123456789 (Photocopy attached). This account is not functional since one year and I am unable to manage the account owing to some personal reasons.

It is requested that please close my bank account and return me balance amount after deducting all necessary bank charges if any. In case of any issue you may feel free to contact at 23456789. Thanking you in anticipation.

Signature ___________
Date ______________


Sample Application to Close Bank Account


The Branch Manager,
Bank Name,

Branch Address,

Subject: Application to Close Bank Account

Dear Sir,

Respectfully, I want inform you that I am an account holder in your bank and operating this account since three years. During this period, I got the best services of your bank. Now I am going to aboard for approximately five years. Instead of occupying it without using, it is better solution is close this one. So, therefore you are requested to close my bank account having number - 052-123456789.

Kindly, issue me the existing balance on demand draft, as soon as possible because I am going to leave abroad in few days. Please cooperate with me in this regard. Thanking You.



Name _____________

Signature ____________
Contact: 1234567895


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Application to Bank Manager Request for Closing of Bank Account
Application to Bank Manager Request for Closing of Bank Account



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