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How to make an agreement for Agriculture Land in MS Word

How to make an agreement for Agriculture Land in MS Word
Agreement for Agriculture Land


This Agreement executed in duplicate, made and entered into as of this on 15th of April 2021 between “Muhammad Javed”, hereinafter called the Lessor and “Sohail Naveed”, hereinafter called the Lessees.


Lessor and Lessees, for and in consideration of the covenant and agreement hereinafter contained, do hereby enter into the following lease agreement.

1.   Lessor shall lease to Lessees commencing on 1st June 2021, a 10 Acres Agriculture Land owned by Lessor, located in “Describe complete address with Sketch of Land” 

2.   This lease shall be for a term of 10 years commencing on 1st June 2021, and terminating on 30th of May 2031.

3.   Lessees shall pay to the Lessor the sum of Rs. 30,000 (Rupees Thirty Thousands Only) per acres per annum and 10% amount will increase after completion of 1st Year. The first payment is due on 15th of June 2021 and each subsequent payment is to be paid on or before the 15th of June of each successive year. 

4.   Payment Schedule is as under:
      a.  June 21 to May 22 - Rs.300,000
      b.  June 22 to May 23 - Rs.330,000
      c.  June 23 to May 24 - Rs.363,000
      d.  June 24 to May 25 - Rs.399,300
      e.  June 25 to May 26 - Rs.439,230
      f.   June 26 to May 27 - Rs.483,153
      g.  June 27 to May 28 - Rs.531,468
      h.  June 28 to May 29 - Rs.584,615
      i.   June 29 to May 30 - Rs.643,076
      j.   June 30 to May 31 -Rs.707,383

5.   It is understood and agreed by Lessor and Lessees that Lessor or his legal representative reserves the right to dispose of the property herein described by sale or otherwise at any time during the specified term of this lease. In the event of such sale or disposition, Lessees shall have the right to retain possession of said premises until all corps planted by them during the calendar year in which such event occurs are harvested. In consideration of such demise, Lessees covenant and agree to provide all necessary tools, equipment, fuel, chemicals, fertilizer, herbicides and labor necessary to operate and maintain the agriculture land. Lessees further agree to maintain liability insurance which will name Lessor as an insured under the policy

6.   Lessees further covenant and agree:
  • To use the premises for agriculture purposes only.
  • To till all of the tillable land in an owner like manner and to  maintain and repair or replace existing irrigation wells and any related components contributing to the production of irrigation water.
  • To harvest and remove all crops in due season.
  • To keep all ditches cleaned of weeds and debris.
  • To mow roadside and fence rows.
  • To commit no waste or damage on said premises and to permit none to be done.
  • To retain possession of the premises during the term hereof, and not to assign or sublet any portion without Lessor’s written consent.
  • That Lessor or his legal representative shall have the right to enter the demised premises at any time to view the same or show the same to prospective purchasers and to permit or tenants, or to make repairs or improvements and the discretion of Lessor.
  • After notice of termination is given by either party, the Lessor or his representative shall have the right to enter demised premises and plow land on which no garnered crop is growing.
  • That Lessees shall take possession of the leased premises and perform the services to be rendered hereunder as independent contractors subject to the usual hazards of operating a land, and will assume all risk of accidents in pursuance of their farming operations or in performing repairs and maintenance to buildings, grain storage bins, irrigation units, wells and improvements.
  • To surrender said premises at the expiration of the term of this lease or upon cancellation thereof as herein provided, without further demand or notice, in such condition as shall be in compliance with the provisions hereof.
  • That Lessor shall have the landlord’s lien provided by law as security for the rental herein specified, and if the Lessees shall fail to cultivate said premises as herein agreed, or shall fail to keep any of the other covenant in the lease contained, the Lessor or his representative may have the work done and shall be reimbursed therefore from the Lessee’s share of the crops, or may at his election, terminate this lease.    
7.   The Lessor expressly covenants:   That Lessees observing and performing the several covenants and stipulations herein contained shall peacefully hold and enjoy said premises during said term without interruption by Lessor, or any person rightfully claiming under him, except as herein provided.

8.     Lessor and Lessee agree that the lease expires on 30th of May 2031. If the Lessee wishes to renew the contract, he must forward a written request two months before the termination of contract.   





Signature ______________

Muhammad Javed S/of M Majeed

ID Card No – 123456789

Cell No-0300-123456789

Residential Address: __________



Signature ______________

Muhammad Sohail S/o M Zameer

ID Card No – 123456789

Cell No-0300-123456789

Residential Address: ____________

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